This site is about sharing the ERASMUS PLUS experience at our secondary school, Gymnasio Mygdonias, Greece. We have been implementing Erasmus plus projects for the six years so far and really loved them! Through Erasmus we got to know first-hand the workings of another education, training or youth support system,learn and share new ideas, and discover best practices to bring back to our own institution. There are wide-reaching benefits of participation that can be felt across the whole institution. Erasmus+ offers unique careerdevelopment opportunities for staff, who feel inspired and valued, supporting professional development and staffretention.

Read what our teacher Erasmus coordinator, Maria Dangli, says about her Erasmus Story…
“When I was a young English learner at the age of nine, in the grammar unit of comparisons (comparative and superlative adjective forms) I was taught the following rhyme : “Good, better, best- never let it rest- till your good is better and your better best!” Years later on, as a teacher, I found out […]