we organized the seminar event “Teachers on the move, teaching on the move and in classroom!” on November 11 in Thessaloniki, Oreokastro.
_The event programme

_The event website
_The event poster

“Know how to go for an Erasmus KA1 project” presentation by Maria Dangli

“About creating our site” presentation by Nick Filatos


“When I was a young English learner at the age of nine, in the grammar unit of comparisons (comparative and superlative adjective forms) I was taught the following rhyme : “Good, better, best- never let it rest- till your good is better and your better best!” Years later on, as a teacher, I found out this rhyme’s potential dynamic in my teaching and professional development. And it was in 2015 that I “discovered” Erasmus plus, as a kind of …hidden treasure being there and waiting for me to approach and work on the “Good, better, best…” playful rhyme the Erasmus way! So the stimulating adventure began. Two successful applications Erasmus KA1, one strategic partnership Erasmus KA2, many subsequent eTwinning projects, lots of mobilities and a non stop fruitful outcome have left their precious footprint on my soul and mind and as a result on the school life of my very own school, Gymnasio Mygdonias, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Participating in the TCA I will be given the opportunity to take part in diffusion activities, share my thoughts and stories and network. I find enthusiastic the idea of Erasmus plus booth as well as informing citizens, meeting colleagues from all over Europe and coming up with fresh ideas and strategy plans. The impact of my involvement in the Erasmus projects was so profound that I did not stop talking about it in every given occasion. Now I am glad to go on talking about my Erasmus story in the TCA framework.
I should add that the idea of having a European network of Erasmus plus Alumni created sounds really inspiring and well promising.”
Maria Dangli- teacher/ Erasmus contact person GYMNASIO MYGDONIAS

_The temptation of Presentation at Germany and Austria- Cultular vist and Erasmus plus
_Etwinning and Erasmus plus KA1 at Ioannina
_Erasmus and Etwinning projects follow up
1st meeting of the #ErasmusDays4ever group
1st meeting of the #ErasmusDays4ever group of 25 Greek schools trying to find the best ways to disseminate their Erasmus project effect at school and society.

#ErasmusDay Ω
Our #ErasmusDay Ω event is the creative product of the cooperation of two schools in our Municipality (Oreokastro Thessaloniki) Gymnasio Mygdonias and 2nd General Lyceum of Oreokastro. Five more schools participated in the Event: the Special Primary School for deaf children in Panorama, Koulouras Primary school, the 2nd Gymnasio Kordeliou, the Gymnasio and Lyceum of Magoula Karditsa and the 3rd Gymnasio Oreokastrou. Teachers, students and parents were asked to step on stage and talk about the Erasmus experience from a personal point of view! This experience at first was just a temptation, a challenge but it turned out to be the best professional development opportunity for the teachers and something like an “escape land” for the students!
We welcomed an external audience of the greater educational community of Northern Greece, having students, teachers, parents and stakeholders invited in our event.

_ERO Erasmus: The creative temptation of Erasmus Plus once again…
ERO Erasmus (ERO is an ancient Greek verb meaning “I love”) is a seminar event disseminating the European program Erasmus Plus KA1 which is being implemented in the High School of Migdonia – Secondary School of Western Thessaloniki, entitled: “The temptation of presentation and storytelling: Once upon a… school…there was the pedagogical bet of improving both teacher’s and student’s soft skills! The event organized by Gymansio Mygdonias in cooperation with the Regional Directorate of Education of Central Macedonia and the 2nd PEEKES, with the support of the Oreokastro Municipality and the Parents’ Association.
There is a threefold focus:
a) the dissemination of the products of the European Program ERASMUS KA1 (2018-2019) implemented by the Mygdonia Gymnasium and the fruitful reflection, the creative dialogue regarding the application of innovative creative teaching methods, storytelling techniques and soft skills in everyday school practice.
(b) the encouragement of designing such programs and the emphasis on the multiple possibilities opened by the implementation of European ERASMUS plus KA1 in-service training programs.
(c) the genuinely enthusiastic involvement of the pupil and the parent community.

The event took place at Aristotle University’s Research Dissemination Center-KEDEA- Conference Hall I. Provided with the required equipment and the applicable technical support this Conference Hall hosted the invited audience of 120 people (school directors, teachers, parents and students) from Thessaloniki and nearby cities of North Greece. At the entrance and public space project posters demonstrated our school’s previous projects (Erasmus plus movie and drama creations, conferences and educational excursions), whereas The Parents Association offered a rich coffee and mini lunch buffet.
Our Website for the event
Our Poster Event

_Event Portfolio

_Event Speakers
“About Erasmus plus KA1/2 – The Steps to a Successful Erasmus + Application”
Crystalia Staikou & Evlabia Kiza, Promoters of Erasmus plus projects for Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Central Macedonia

“Once upon a time … there was school for every single child. Did the challenge for school inclusive education come?”
George Botsas, Coordinator of Special and Integration Education
“Erasmus plus for University Students”
Mavroeidis Angellakeris, Professor, Department of Physics-AUTH, ECTS Erasmus Coordinator

“The temptarion of presentation! Once upon a… school…there was the pedagogical bet of improving both teacher’s and student’s soft skills! Gymnasio Mygdonias Erasmus KA1 Project 2018-2019
Maria Dangli – teacher in classics, Contact Person Erasmus plus – Mygdonia High School
How words change minds-the power of public speaking
Yana Mladenova

Τales and storytelling as tools in the process of learning and building relationships.
Performance: The importance of narration,
Rodanthi Dimitresi
“From Erasmus + to Etwinning! A … mythological path! “
Karasteriou Anastassia, Geologist- Mygdonia High School

“Growing up in Erasmus + and creating …”
Nikos Filatos, Mygdonia High School and Erasmus Alumni, Web Designer
A mother shares her own Erasmus Story!
Agapi Moscoudi- Stavrianou